Today was parent-teacher conference day at Kate's school. After spending some time playing with Kate,
Brower and one of Kate's classmates, I went in to meet with Kate's teacher (Mrs.
Keeter). Her teachers did a whole evaluation sheet on Kate's social/
emotional development, cognitive development and motor skills. For most of the items such as being independent, participating in singing and movement activities and being proud of her accomplishments, Kate "passed" with flying colors. However, when we got to "cooperates with adult requests", her teachers wrote "most of the time, but has a stubborn streak"! I guess they are finally seeing the real Kate! They also said she understands sharing, but doesn't like to. Really though, who likes to share unless they have to! Her teachers said she is very shy and will talk if she is asked something directly. We are working on how shy she is and she is doing much better, but she is still very quiet with other people. We know how she really is at home though! :)
When asked her name she said "Kate Kathryn Cole". One of the first things they showed me when I first got there were some of the crafts Kate had done at school. She loves crafts! I think she asks me at least 8 times a day to do a craft. They said she follows directions really well and can copy an example for a craft. She can complete a 6/7 piece puzzle (way too easy, she did a 100 piece puzzle by herself during nap time-I'm a proud mom!) and she can cut with scissors really well (again, another craft we do on a regular basis). Overall, she is doing great at
pre-school and she loves it. Both Chad and I agree that the most important thing about
pre-school is having fun! We are both so proud of our little girl.
I just registered her for her last year of
pre-school. Wow...where has time gone? I can't believe she only has one more year before she goes to kindergarten. Only one more year to have her at home with me and
Brower doing crafts all day. She is growing up so fast. She was really funny today while we were working on a puzzle. I was trying to fit a piece in the wrong spot and she said "Actually that piece goes here Mommy"...."actually", where did she learn "actually"!! She is still a little
munchkin, but full of personality. At her doctor's visit a few weeks ago, the doctor told me she would probably b 5'2" and 110 pounds. She weighed 32 pounds and was 38" tall. I am so thankful God has blessed me with such a special little girl. I love when she looks at me with her big blue eyes, cute blond curls and her big smile and says "I love you Mommy!". She is truly a blessing and a miracle. I learn so much about the Fruits of the Spirit by being a mom, joy, peace, patience, kindness, is truly a joy!