Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy 1st Day of Spring!

Today is the 1st day of spring. One of the local Italian ice places was offering free Italian ice to all of it's customers. We headed over there after dinner for the kids to get a treat. Kate was thrilled to hear that she was Italian and that she was going to eat Italian ice. We all enjoyed our Italian ice, but it was a little chilly for the first day of Spring.
When we got home, I told the kids they needed to brush their teeth to get all the sugar out. Kate informed me that the dentist told her she had to brush her teeth really well and not to eat a lot of candy or her teeth would rot and fall out. She then told me that Anna Marie (her 6 year old cousin) ate lots and lots of candy and that is why her teeth fell out!- Note to careful what I tell my four year old, she takes thinks very literally!

Monday, March 16, 2009

When I grow up, I want to be...

Kate was so excited to tell me that a police officer came to visit them at shcool today and she got to sit in his car. This was our conversation when she got in the car:
K: "Mommy, you won't believe it, a police officer came to school and we got to get in his car! It was so cool, you should have been there Mommy!"
Me: Wow, that's great. You sure are lucky to get in the police officer's car.
K: Yea, Brower wasn't lucky though (always competing with her brother)
Me: What did the police officer tell you? What did you learn from him?
K: Don't touch the radio!
Me: Did you talk about strangers?
K: Yes
Me: What did he say about strangers?
K: I don't remember.
Me: Did the police officer tell you what you should do if you get lost?
K: I don't remember. But Mommy, when I grow up, I want to be a princess, a fairy AND a police officer! I got a really cool sticker that is just like the police officers!
I guess in the mind of a 4 year old, strangers and getting lost are not important. What really matters is that she got to sit in the police officer's car, she got a sticker and she has another occupation for when she gets older!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Neigh Neighs!

Our friend Kelly invited us to come to her horse farm to ride horses. Since Brower loves horses so much, we wanted to take him as part of his birthday celebration. This weekend was absolutely beautiful. It was 80 degrees all weekend! We went out to the farm and Kelly let us walk through the barn to see all the horses and then we were able to ride her horse Bey. The kids loved it. After riding, they got to feed Bey carrots and brush him. It was a fun family night!

Kate and Nadia in the bobcat

Brower and Ross in the Bobcat

Kate feeding Bey a carrot after their ride

Brower and Ross pushing the barrel

Brower brushing Bey

Kate brushing Bey

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun In the Snow

We woke up to a beautiful sight of snow covering the trees and a few inches on the ground. We bundled up and headed out. Kate loved throwing snowballs. Brower still didn't like being cold but he was at least happy scooping up the snow and putting it in a bucket. He didn't last long in the cold! We had a lot of fun playing in the snow for one last time this winter!

Kate and Brower making snowballs. Shortly after this picture, Brower lost his balance and did a face plant in the snow. Needless to say, he was a little upset!

Get ready Mommy, I have my snowball!