Thursday, January 29, 2009

Brower Climbing IN The Bed!

Most parents are concerned about their two year old climbing out of the bed. We have the opposite concern. Kate taught Brower how to climb into his bed a few months ago. We even got it on video tape (as you can see below!). Today I found him in his crib twice. Is it just a challenge or does he really want that paci? How are we ever going to get rid of the paci?!!

Daddy's work

Well, this blog is supposed to be documenting our life. Yes, we have lots of good time, but there are also some bad times. But, in those bad times, we can still thank God for what he is doing in our lives.
Chad's company announced that they are going to begin lay-offs. We have been praying a lot about what will happen with his job. As I am realizing more every day, kids pick up on a lot more than we think. I prayed before we ate breakfast this morning and Kate wanted to pray too. This was her prayer: "Dear God, thank you that you kept Daddy's work safe and I pray for our hearts and the love we have in our hearts" adorable. She is thankful that Daddy still gets to go to work. This is Brower's typical prayer: "Ahh yaa ahh Amen".

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sweet Tea

This was a conversation Kate and I had a few days ago:
Kate: Mommy, when do I get to go to your school?
Mommy: Which school? Meredith?
Kate: Yes, mommy, I want to go to Meredith. When do I get to go to school there?
Mommy: You can go to Meredith when you are 18.
Kate: Do I get to drink sweet tea when I am 18 and I go to Meredith?
Mommy: Yes, sweetheart you can drink sweet tea when you are 18 and go to Meredith. When you are 18, sweet tea is all you can drink! :)...let's hope she'll keep that mindset when she is in college!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day 2009

Kate and Brower woke up today to a fun surprise...snow falling! It was so beautiful to see our neighborhood covered in snow. The kids were so excited (I was too!).

After we got all bundled up, we headed out. It was snowing really hard and it was really cold. Kate ran straight out and loved it. Brower, not so much. The snow was up to his knees and he was so bundled up, he could barely walk. He thought it was really fun to throw the snow at me and Kate. Kate loved making snow angels. Brower and I were both freezing, but Kate was as happy as could be (just like her Daddy). We tried to make a snowman, but the snow was too dry. Since we didn't have a sled, we tried to sled on a cookie sheet (we're from the South, we don't know how to sled), but that didn't work. The kids played on the play set and then we headed in to get warm.

What an amazing day in history. We spent the rest of the morning watching the Innauguartion of our new President. I think I will always remember this day. Chad came home from work early to play on our Snow Day. Kate was in her room for rest time playing with puzzles. Chad went in and asked her if she wanted to go play in the snow with him and she said "Not right now Daddy, I'm working on my puzzle." She loves her puzzles! They did get all bundled up again and headed to the school in our neighborhood. There was another family sledding and they let Kate and Chad use their sled. They had a blast. When they got home, we played outside for a little longer and then came insided for popcorn and hot chocolate. What a fun day!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ice Skating

Kate has been asking to go ice skating for months. She loves watching Angelina Ballerina and Max and Ruby ice skate on T.V. It was only 32 degrees today, so we decided it would be a fun night to go. Kate was so excited. Actually, Brower was really excited too...he just didn't know what he was excited about. We got them geared up in their hats, gloves and skates and we were ready to go. We couldn't wipe the grin off of Kate's face. They did awesome! Chad and I were both amazed at how well they did. We will definitely do this again! So much fun!
All geared up and ready to go!

Kate on her own...gripping the wall

" Me, again!" Everytime we took a break Brower was ready to go again.

"Hi, Mommy!"

Mommy and Brower

Sweet Kate

Kate and Daddy

Friday, January 16, 2009

Pictures with Mimi

Mimi, Uncle Jason, Aunt Julia, Maxwell and Bella came to visit for Christmas. Our friend Laura ( Laura Adams Photography) took some family pictures for us.
Vittorio Family
Mimi and her grandkids
Me, Mom and Jason
Brower "up high"
Kate and Bella

The whole family

Evenhouse Family

Mommy, pray to God

I love the faith and innocence of a 4 year old. This morning Kate had a bug bite on her lower back (she kept calling it her bottom) that itched really bad. She kept scratching it to the point that it was almost bleeding. It was time to leave for school this morning and her "bottom" was still hurting. I tried putting some cream on it to make it stop itching, but she was still complaining about it. After a few minutes, she turned to me and said "Mommy, will you pray to God that my bottom would feel better?" So I sat with her and prayed to God that her bottom would feel better. When Chad came home tonight, we were talking about her day. I asked her if her bottom felt better and she said "Yes, mommy, God made it all better. God will make things better if we pray to him." So precious!

Brower was on his way to take a nap today so he was telling Kate "night night". He started blowing her kisses and said wove wou (love you). The first time he said I love you...and said it to his big sister.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Here it goes...

Well, I have been talking about starting a blog for about a year and I finally did it! I am on the computer so often, I thought this would be a great way for me document my everyday life (since I don't do it any other way!). I have been terrible about writing things in my kids baby books, so this blog is really for them. It is to write the funny things they say and do, post pictures and to document the memories we make together as a family
Just a few days ago Brower started calling me "mommy" instead of "momma". Hearing him say that hit me so hard and made me realize how fast he is growing up. I felt like calling me "momma" was the last baby thing he did, now he is a toddler. Wow, my baby is almost two!

Kate is so proud to be 4! Everything that she can do now is "because she is 4". She can reach the sink to wash her hands all by herself, turn the T.V. on, open a heavy door, dribble a soccer ball ...all of these things because she is 4! Really cute. The one thing she did not like about turning 4 was that she had to get shots. "She did great at the doctor" (her words to Chad) while getting her shots. We met Chad at Bear Rock (Kate's choice) for lunch. While Chad was ordering our lunch, I asked Kate where we should sit. "How about a caboose, Mommy?" It took me a moment to realize she wanted to sit in a booth. Chad and I had to just smile at each other.