After we got all bundled up, we headed out. It was snowing really hard and it was really cold. Kate ran straight out and loved it. Brower, not so much. The snow was up to his knees and he was so bundled up, he could barely walk. He thought it was really fun to throw the snow at me and Kate. Kate loved making snow angels. Brower and I were both freezing, but Kate was as happy as could be (just like her Daddy). We tried to make a snowman, but the snow was too dry. Since we didn't have a sled, we tried to sled on a cookie sheet (we're from the South, we don't know how to sled), but that didn't work. The kids played on the play set and then we headed in to get warm.
What an amazing day in history. We spent the rest of the morning watching the Innauguartion of our new President. I think I will always remember this day. Chad came home from work early to play on our Snow Day. Kate was in her room for rest time playing with puzzles. Chad went in and asked her if she wanted to go play in the snow with him and she said "Not right now Daddy, I'm working on my puzzle." She loves her puzzles! They did get all bundled up again and headed to the school in our neighborhood. There was another family sledding and they let Kate and Chad use their sled. They had a blast. When they got home, we played outside for a little longer and then came insided for popcorn and hot chocolate. What a fun day!

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