As a parent, we always want the perfect picture to create the perfect Christmas card so everyone we send our cards to will think we have the perfect family. All parents know that it takes a lot of work to get that picture and it usually isn't much fun. This year we hired our friend Laura to take some family pictures for our Christmas card. Laura worked hard, but our kids didn't cooperate. So, this is photo session #2 and mom is prepared. I am not beyond bribery to get a great picture. After the kids ate lunch and were in a good mood, I got them dressed and bribed them with watching a show and eating fruit snacks. It worked- we got some super cute pictures and even the perfect picture for our Christmas card! The kids were so into their photo session, they even suggested props and different photo opportunities- note the flowers and sticks in their hands. And finally, the perfect Christmas Card picture- 

Our Fall...Love Every Minute!
13 years ago
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