Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sweet Brower

Okay, so it has been a very long time since I have posted! Actually, it has been exactly a year. Wow, a lot has happened in that year. Don't think I will be able to catch up on that whole year, but I will try to be better about posting.
I started to read this the other day and realized that there are a lot of things that I wrote in this blog that I don't even remember. It made me really sad to think of all the funny, sweet and crazy things my kids say and do that I don't remember. So, I'm going to try my best to start posting again.
The other day Kate, Brower and I were in the car. We were dropping Kate off at school. I kissed Kate good-bye and told her to have a great day. As I started to drive off, Brower said "Mommy, mommy, roll down the window!!" I said "Why Brower?" "Hurry Mommy, I just blew Kate two kisses and you need to roll the window down, so they can get out of the car and get to her before she gets inside school!" So I rolled the window down so the kisses could get to Kate. It has now become a tradition every morning. What a sweet boy!

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